sick leaveThe HR Engineers are offering Massachusetts Employers the following services to enable them to be compliant with the New Earned Sick Time Law by July 1, 2015


45 Minute Consultation about the new MA Sick Time Law
We will meet with you to inform you inform you about the particulars of the new law and explain the impact it will have on your particular business. We will review your current paid and unpaid time off polices and work with you to frame new policy that will be compliant with the new earned sick time law.


Handbook Page Replacement:
We will edit the page(s) in your Employee Handbook that detail your Time Off policies to reflect your decisions on restructuring your Time Off policies to comply with the new earned sick time law.


Full Handbook Reviews  (15% off thru July 31, 2015)
We will do a complete review of your Employee Handbook for Labor Law compliance and Best Practices. You will receive a written report of our findings along with suggested edits and suggestions for improvement and becoming compliant with the new earned sick time law.


New Customized Handbook (15% off thru July 31, 2015)
We will put together a brand new Employee Handbook for your business. Our handbooks are highly customized and designed to reflect how things are done in your particular company. While incorporating everything you need to be labor Law compliant we also advise you on Best Practices and help you decide on policies and procedures that are cost efficient and effective.